We Need Your Support

Pollution-free wind power pumps billions of dollars into the country’s economy every year, particularly in rural areas where wind farms are located. The Fountain Wind Project will bring a long-term economic boost to Shasta County by creating 200 construction jobs and 10 permanent operations jobs. In addition, the project will provide long-term tax revenue in excess of $50 million over the next few decades, $3.5 million in sales tax revenues to Shasta County over the course of construction, and $2.8 million for community benefit programs. Furthermore, SB100 requires that 100% of retail electricity sold in-state come from renewable and zero-carbon emissions resources by 2045, and Fountain Wind will help California achieve that mandate.

Please join the hundreds of people who have voiced their support for Fountain Wind by going to the California Energy Commission website and leaving a supportive comment.


The project will result in well-paying jobs for hundreds of construction workers here in Shasta County. It will also provide 10 well-paying, long-term jobs during operations.

Tax Revenues:

This is an incredibly rare opportunity to add substantial, long term tax revenues to the Shasta County’s tax base, including over $50 million in property tax revenue over 30 years plus close to $3.5 million in sales tax revenue during construction.


This project is an investment of over $300 million dollars in Shasta County, the largest single investment since the Shasta Dam.

Wildfire Protection:

The Experts agree that this project will be a net benefit to fire protection in Shasta County. There will be over 500 hundred acres of defensible space, close to 700 acres of new shaded fuel breaks, and accessible roads for CAL FIRE’s use in the event of a wildfire.

Community Benefits:

Repsol Renewables is committed to giving back to the community. They’ve shown that many times over the years by giving tens of thousands of dollars to support organizations in Burney and Round Mountain, including a recent $10,000 donation to the Tri-County Community Network. They are also committed to giving $2.8 million dollars to the local community. That’s an incredible amount and will do a lot of good for the intermountain community.

Energy Independence:

California needs a reliable electric grid. Shasta County and other parts of the state have experienced power brownouts during extreme weather events over the last few years. This project is desperately needed to avoid these issues in the future and to help keep the lights on.

Climate Change:

We need this project not just for our all of California but for the planet. Climate change is a real and immediate threat as we’ve seen with droughts and wildfires, and we need projects like this to reduce our impacts.

Existing Wind Farm:

Shasta County has had a safe and successful wind farm, Hatchet Ridge, operating in the general Fountain Wind project area for over 10 years with no issues. The concerns voiced over this project have proven to be unfounded based on the safe history of the Hatchet Ridge project.

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